garjami, J., azaddel, A. (2018). A Study in The World Mortality in Imam Ali’s (A.S) poetry (According to Corporeal Cognition in the Cognitive Semantics). , 10(2), 207-225. doi: 10.22059/jalit.2019.229150.611672
javad garjami; adel azaddel. "A Study in The World Mortality in Imam Ali’s (A.S) poetry (According to Corporeal Cognition in the Cognitive Semantics)". , 10, 2, 2018, 207-225. doi: 10.22059/jalit.2019.229150.611672
garjami, J., azaddel, A. (2018). 'A Study in The World Mortality in Imam Ali’s (A.S) poetry (According to Corporeal Cognition in the Cognitive Semantics)', , 10(2), pp. 207-225. doi: 10.22059/jalit.2019.229150.611672
garjami, J., azaddel, A. A Study in The World Mortality in Imam Ali’s (A.S) poetry (According to Corporeal Cognition in the Cognitive Semantics). , 2018; 10(2): 207-225. doi: 10.22059/jalit.2019.229150.611672

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