Evaluation of Spatial Associations in the Tourism Elements in Tehran Metropolis Case Study: Zones 1 and 12 | ||
نشریه گردشگری شهری | ||
Article 9, Volume 6, Issue 2, August 2019, Pages 133-150 PDF (935 K) | ||
Document Type: Article extracted From phd dissertation | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jut.2019.274520.604 | ||
Authors | ||
marzieh kheirkhah1; Safar GHaedrahmati* 2; Abdolreza Roknodin Eftekhari3; Nasser Rezaei4 | ||
1PHD student Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran | ||
2Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran | ||
3Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran | ||
4Assistant Professor of Tourism Planning, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Research Institute, Tehran, Iran | ||
Abstract | ||
Recognizing and analyzing the spatial associations between tourism elements is an important and urgent factor and has a close relationship with the type of effectiveness, and being affected, of tourists from the urban environment. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial associations between tourism elements in Districts 1 and 12 of the metropolises of Tehran. In this regard, documentary studies were used in the process of identifying the problem and the theoretical framework, and in the experimental analysis, the questionnaire field tool was used to collect the information. To this end first, the indexes and cases were set and, based on the opinions of experts, the indexes and cases that got the most points were selected for the questionnaire. In this research, One-Sample T Test was used in SPSS environment to analyze the data obtained from the questionnaires as well as the nearest neighbor model and the multi-spatial spatial analysis of the GIS environment for data analysis. And to obtain a pattern of distribution and spatial distribution of tourism elements in the regions. The findings of this research indicate that the spatial pattern of tourism elements in cluster type one and twelve Tehran metropolises and Also, the results of , One-Sample T Test indicate that the meanings of the above average are lower than the value of T value, which is 3, and also the significance level is equal to 0.000 which is Indicates a weak link between the tourism elements considered in both regions and confirms the research hypothesis. | ||
Keywords | ||
Spatial Associations; Tourism Elements; Spatial Analysis; Tehran Metropolis | ||
References | ||
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