maghoumi, M., Mostofi, Y., talaii, A. (2009). The Effect of of 1- MCP and Heat Treatment (Sole or in Combination) on Postharvest Quality of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria ananassa cv. Selva). , 40(3), -.
mahshad maghoumi; younes Mostofi; ali reza talaii. "The Effect of of 1- MCP and Heat Treatment (Sole or in Combination) on Postharvest Quality of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria ananassa cv. Selva)". , 40, 3, 2009, -.
maghoumi, M., Mostofi, Y., talaii, A. (2009). 'The Effect of of 1- MCP and Heat Treatment (Sole or in Combination) on Postharvest Quality of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria ananassa cv. Selva)', , 40(3), pp. -.
maghoumi, M., Mostofi, Y., talaii, A. The Effect of of 1- MCP and Heat Treatment (Sole or in Combination) on Postharvest Quality of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria ananassa cv. Selva). , 2009; 40(3): -.

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