taleb, M., ebrahimpoor, M., salmanvandi, S. (2012). Analyzing the Human and Technical Factors that Affect the Level of Intensive Cultivation in the Household Farming System (Case study: the Household Farming of Kermanshah). , 3(9), 147-176. doi: 10.22059/jrur.2012.24727
mehdi taleb; mohsen ebrahimpoor; shapoor salmanvandi. "Analyzing the Human and Technical Factors that Affect the Level of Intensive Cultivation in the Household Farming System (Case study: the Household Farming of Kermanshah)". , 3, 9, 2012, 147-176. doi: 10.22059/jrur.2012.24727
taleb, M., ebrahimpoor, M., salmanvandi, S. (2012). 'Analyzing the Human and Technical Factors that Affect the Level of Intensive Cultivation in the Household Farming System (Case study: the Household Farming of Kermanshah)', , 3(9), pp. 147-176. doi: 10.22059/jrur.2012.24727
taleb, M., ebrahimpoor, M., salmanvandi, S. Analyzing the Human and Technical Factors that Affect the Level of Intensive Cultivation in the Household Farming System (Case study: the Household Farming of Kermanshah). , 2012; 3(9): 147-176. doi: 10.22059/jrur.2012.24727

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