The criterion of the inclusion in the people of the book in the holy Quran | ||
مجله علمی "پژوهشهای فقهی" | ||
Article 8, Volume 11, Issue 2, August 2015, Pages 389-412 PDF (478.01 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jorr.2015.55619 | ||
Author | ||
Abdorrahim Soleimani* | ||
Assistant Professor of Mofid University | ||
Abstract | ||
The Qur'an refers to Jews and the Christians as “Ahl al-Kitab,” or People of the Book, also sometimes uses the term, namely "those who have been given the Book". Accordingly, some verses are used to drive the social and individual rulings regarding this application. Now, the question is that whether it has been used as a limited and closed application and only the followers of these religions are included or it is possible to present a criterion to generate this application to the followers of other religions too. All commentators and jurisprudents have reckoned Jews and the Christians among" the People of the Book" and the absolute majority of them have counted Zoroastrians, in accordance with Islamic traditions, among the People of the Book, but while we are examining the sacred Books of these three religions, we will find out that based on every criterion being taken into consideration, the followers of some other religions may be included as" the People of the Book" as well. The main word of this article is to state that if we put Islamic texts report about the status of these religions' Books and the outer information together as well as general divine words related to the divine guidance of human beings, we will be able to achieve a common criterion and standard that exists in other religions too and this standard will help to include the followers of some other religions as" the People of the Book" as well | ||
References | ||
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