Developing a model to measure the impact of corporate social responsibility and identity on corporate brand equity (Case study: Pars Khazar Industrial Company) | ||
مدیریت بازرگانی | ||
Article 7, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 621-642 PDF (363.31 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jibm.2015.57007 | ||
Authors | ||
Mohammad Reza khosravi* 1; Narges Delafrooz2; Kambiz Shahroodi3; Behnam Rezaei Yousefi4 | ||
1PhD Candidate in Business Management (Marketing), Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Iran | ||
2Assistant Professor, Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Iran | ||
3Associate Professor, Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Iran | ||
4MA in Executive MBA, (Marketing), Management Faculty of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran | ||
Abstract | ||
Although one of the main reasons of brand equity importance is its strategic role to provide competitive advantage in the companies, the previous studies have paid little attention to effective internal organizational factors on brand equity. Some of these factors are variables of social responsibility and corporate identity. Social responsibility in recent decade has become a dominant paradigm of managing companies. Moreover, studies have shown that identification of individuals with organization has a great impact on performance as well as achieving the goals of organization. Accordingly, in order to to achieve research purpose, through literature review of available researches, and according findings of previous researchers', a structural model has been developed to investigate the impact of social responsibility and corporate identity on brand equity. Research statistical population consists of experts of Pars Khazar Industrial Company and its customers. For data collection, a field study has been performed on a sample consisting of 80 employees and 392 customers. Research hypotheses have been tested by using correlation coefficient and structural equations modeling through PLS method. Research findings show that the variable of social responsibility, directly and through affecting corporate identity will affect brand equity, and companies, to improve their brand equity, should try to create a cohesive corporate identity, in addition to being committed to their social responsibilities. | ||
Keywords | ||
: brand equity; corporate identity; social responsibility of the company | ||
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