Dialectic of peace and barbarism: Studying and criticizing the liberal theory of international law | ||
فصلنامه مطالعات حقوق عمومی دانشگاه تهران | ||
Article 10, Volume 47, Issue 1, April 2017, Pages 177-200 PDF (625.4 K) | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jplsq.2017.61752 | ||
Authors | ||
Alireza Ebrahimgol* 1; Siamak Karimi2 | ||
1Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, College of Farabi, University of Tehran | ||
2Ph.D. Student in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Ira | ||
Abstract | ||
International law reviews the origins of the rules, institutions and practices that international law based on. That’s why "Theory" in law is able to give legitimacy to certain procedures and rule. From this standpoint, the "Liberal Theory of International Law" has an important place in international law. Confirmed by various studies, this theory plays an important role in forming "Peaceful" approach to international law and set aside classical approaches that recognized nothing butt "Legitimacy of War". Nevertheless, the core elements of this theory, reveals the fact that not only the liberal theory of international law helps to achieve the peaceful approach in international law, but also helps to justify use of force. This article studies the dualities and contradictions in the context of liberal theory of international law. | ||
Keywords | ||
equal sovereignty; Liberal democrat state; Liberal theory of international law; Peace; Use of Force | ||
References | ||
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