Online detection and separation of nodes and internodes of sugarcane stalks using machine vision | ||
مهندسی بیوسیستم ایران | ||
Article 8, Volume 48, Issue 2, July 2017, Pages 263-272 PDF (827.61 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/ijbse.2017.62468 | ||
Abstract | ||
In recent years biomass materials has been used, as potential source of renewable energy, fuel, and etc. due to their local availability. Internodes contain glucan therefore, they are suitable for the alcohol production; while nodes with a high percentage of lignin and cellulose content are more suited for companies that need heat and energy. Thus, separation of different components of biomass would increase their value.. In addition the uniformity of raw materials not only increases the performance of controlling and processing operations but also improves the working time of the processing equipment. The aim of this study is to separate nodes and internodes, automatically. To this end, the process of images was conducted based on To this end, the process of images was conducted based on the knowing the fact that sudden drop of gray level values, along the main axis of the sugarcane stalks, could be the indication of node. Concord to obtained result,, machine vision system accuracy was more than 98%. | ||
Keywords | ||
separation; Nodes; Internodes; image processing | ||
References | ||
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