مطالعات حقوق خصوصی | ||
Article 8, Volume 47, Issue 4, January 2018, Pages 703-721 PDF (246.35 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jlq.2017.222495.1006836 | ||
Authors | ||
Abbas Mir Shekari* 1; Afrouz Samadi2 | ||
1Assistant Professor of Private law, University of Judicial Science and Administrative Services | ||
2PhD Student of Private Law, University of Tehran | ||
Abstract | ||
Social life makes people’s transactions inevitable. These transactions put people under debt as well as make them creditors. Therefore, people's belonging is not always pure, and always includes some debts. Sometimes, these debts are paid by the debtor's own will, but in some cases such as bankruptcy or death, liquidation does not take place willingly. In these cases, the insufficiency of debtor’s belonging is either evident or probable; so creditors may face with injustice. As a result, liquidation in these situations needs to be special. In this special liquidation, for maintaining equality among debtors, some specific measures such as the impartially of the liquidator and the unity of courts which carries on the whole procedure, shall be taken into consideration. In this paper, first the concept of special liquidation will be explained, and then examples of it will be counted. At last, its regulations will be studied. | ||
Keywords | ||
bankruptcy; Company's Dissolution; Debtor's Death; Equality; Special Liquidation | ||
References | ||
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