Residents’ Support for Tourism Development: The Role of the Place Image and the Tourism Imagery Effects | ||
نشریه گردشگری شهری | ||
Article 3, Volume 4, Issue 4, March 2018, Pages 35-53 PDF (1.62 M) | ||
Document Type: Research Article | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jut.2018.126188.77 | ||
Authors | ||
Sakineh Jafari* 1; Saeed Ehsanfar2; Shila Maleki Majd3 | ||
1Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University | ||
2MSc of Tourism Management, Semnan University | ||
3MSc of Ecotourism, Semnan University | ||
Abstract | ||
Tourism can be considered as one of the most suitable options for the country development. Because this industry can provide economic, socio-cultural, and environmental benefits for local, national and regional residents. But what should not be left out, is the role of people’s support in industry development. Accordingly, people should be involved in decision-making and the industry development in order to participate in plans implementation. So that a suitable basis can be provided for the tourism development. In this research, using the descriptive-correlational method, it has been tried to examine the residents' support for tourism development, considering the role of the place image and the tourism image in the local community of Badreh. The statistical population consisted of all the residents of Badreh county, among which, Using cluster sampling, 225 people (90 men, and 135 women) were selected as the study sample. All of them completed the scale of residents’ support for the tourism development, the place image, and the imaginative effects of tourism (economic, socio-cultural, and environmental). The questionnaires’ reliability was calculated by Cronbach’s alpha, and their validity was calculated using the internal consistency method. Using the regression, the hypothesized model was analyzed in a sequential manner using the Baron and Kenny (1986) proposed steps. According to the results, the place image with the residents has a direct effect on their support for tourism development. The place image with the residents, by mediating the residents’ economic imaginary effects, has an indirect impact on the residents’ support for the tourism development. Also, the place image with the residents, by mediating the socio-cultural imaginary effects, has an indirect impact on the residents’ support for the tourism development. But the place image with the residents, by mediating the environmental imaginary effects, does not have an indirect impact on the residents’ support for the tourism development. The place image with the residents can directly and indirectly influence on the residents’ support for the tourism development, by mediating the economic and socio-cultural imaginary effects. | ||
Keywords | ||
Imaginary Effects; Residents’ Support to Tourism Development; Tourism; Role of Space Image with Residents | ||
References | ||
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