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- Diener, E, Suh, E, (1997), Measuring quality of life: economic.Soc. Indicators Res. No.40 . 189 –216.
- Fayers PM, Machin D, (2000), Quality of Life Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation, Jhon Willy, New york
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- Kline E. (2001), Indicators for Sustainable Development in Urban Areas.
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- Massam,H. Brayn. (2002), Quality of Life: Public Planning and Private Living, Progress in Planning,14-146.
- Mc crea, Rod, Tung-Kai Shyy & Robert Stimson. (2004), Modelling Urban Quality of Life in South East Queensland by linking subjective and objective indicators, 28th Australian and New Zealand regional Science Association International annual Conference, Wollongong, NSW, 28th September to 1 October.
- McCrea, R., Shyy, T.K. and Stimson, R., (2006), what is the Strength of the Link between Objective and Subjective Indicators of Urban Quality of Life? Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol. 1, No. 1,. 79-96.
- Musschenga, A.W. (1997), The relation between concepts ofquality-of-life, J. Med. Philos, Vol. 22, No. 1: 11–28.
- NORDHAUS, W. D. and TOBIN, J. (1972), is growth obsolete? In Economic Research: Retrospect and Prospect, vol. 5 Economic Growth, pp. 21-49. New York: Columbia University Press (for National Bureau of Economic Research).
- Oktay, D and Rustemla, A (2010), Measuring the quality of urban life and neighbourhood satisfaction: Findings from Gazimagusa (Famagusta) Area study international journal of social sciences and humanity studies Vol. 2, No. 2, ISSN: 1309-8063 Online.
- Pacione, M (2003), Urban environmental quality and human wellbeing-a social geographical perspective, Landscape and Urban Planning. Vo;.65: 19–30
- Pacione, M. (1982). The use of objective and subjective measures of quality of life in human geography. Prog. Hum. Geogr.Vol. 6 No. 4: 495–514.
- Parker, M. (2005), Loss in the lives of Southeast Asian Elders. In H. Lee Meadow, development in quality if life studies in marketing. Vol,1,blacksbourg Virginia. International socity for quality studies.
- Pasione, M. (2005), Urban Geography (Aglobal perspective), Second edition, New York, Routledge Puplisher.
- polinsky, A. M. and rubinfeld,D. L. (1977).Property values and the benefits of environmental improvements: theory and measurement, in: L. WINGO and A. EVANS (Eds) Public Economic and the Quality of Life, pp. 154-180, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press (for Resources for the Future).
- Rahman & Mittelhamer & Wandschaneder (2003), Measuring the Quality of Life Across countries: A sensitivity Analysis of well-being indices, wider internasional conference on inequality, poverty and Human well-being, May 30-31, 2003, Helsinki, Finland.
- Raphael, D, Renwick, R., Brown, I, Rootman, I. (1996), Qualityof life indicators and health: current status and emergingconceptions. Soc.Indicators Res.Vol. 39, No.1: 65–88. Ruut Veenhoven, (1996), happy life expectancy a comprehensive measure of quality-of-life in nation, Published in Social Indicators Research, vol. 39: 1-58.
- RIVM, (2002). In: Bouwman, A., van Kamp, I., van Poll, R. (Eds.), Workshopverslag Leefomgevingskwaliteit II. Verslag Workshop, 18 December 2001, in press.
- ROSEN, S, (1979), Wages-based indexes of urban quality of life, in: P. MIESZKOWSKI and M. STRASZHEIM (Eds) Current Issues in Urban Economics, pp. 74-104. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Senlier, Nihal, Yildiz, Reyhan, E. Dig˘dem Aktas, (2009), A Perception Survey for the Evaluation of Urban Quality of Life in Kocaeli and a Comparison of the Life Satisfaction with the European Cities, Social Indicate Res. vol. 94:213–226
- Smith, T. Nelischer. M., Perkins, N. (1997). Quality of an urbancommunity: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39 229-241,0169.2046/97/$17.00 0 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rightsreserved. PII SO169-2046 (97) 00055-8.
- Sufian, A.J.M. (1993), A multivariate analysis of the determinants of urban quality of life in the world’s largest metropolitan areas. Urban Studies,Vol. 30, No. 8:1319-1329.
- Sun, Y. (2005), Development of Neighborhood Quality of Life Indicators. Community-University Institute for Social Research. University of Saskatchewan.
- Szalai, A. & Andrews, F.M. (1980), The Quality of Life: Comparative Studies. SAGE Studies in International Sociology. Sponsored by the International Sociological Association/ ISA.
- Ulengin, B. F., Ulengin, U. (2001), A Multidimensional Approach to Urban Quality of Life: The Case of Istanbul.
- Van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., deHollander A. (2003), Urban environmentalquality and human well-being towards aconceptual framework and demarcation ofconcepts: A literature study; J. Landscape andUrban Planning, Vol 65: 5-18.
- WHO, World Health Organization. (1999). WHOQOL: annotated bibliography (October 1999 version). Geneva: WH; 1999.
- Robert W. Marans, (2012), Quality of Urban Life Studies: An Overview and Implications for Environment-Behaviour Research, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 35, pp: 9–22.
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- Benzeval, M. Judge, K, Whitehead, M, (1995), Tackling Inequalities in Health. Kings Fund, London.
- Blomquist, G.C., Berger, M.C., Hoehn, J.P (1988), New estimates of quality of life in urban areas. American Economic Review 78 1: 89-107.
- Bowling, A. (1997), Measuring Health: A Review of Quality of Life Measurement Scales. Main Head. Open University Press.
- Boyer, R., Savageau, D. (1981), Places Rated Almanac. Rand Mc- Nelly, Chicago.
- Broadbent, G. (1979). The Development of Design Methods, Design Methods and Theories,No. 13: 41-45.
- Campbell, A. Converse, P, & Rodgers, W. (1976), The quality of American life. New York: Russell Sage.
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- Massam,H. Brayn. (2002), Quality of Life: Public Planning and Private Living, Progress in Planning,14-146.
- Mc crea, Rod, Tung-Kai Shyy & Robert Stimson. (2004), Modelling Urban Quality of Life in South East Queensland by linking subjective and objective indicators, 28th Australian and New Zealand regional Science Association International annual Conference, Wollongong, NSW, 28th September to 1 October.
- McCrea, R., Shyy, T.K. and Stimson, R., (2006), what is the Strength of the Link between Objective and Subjective Indicators of Urban Quality of Life? Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol. 1, No. 1,. 79-96.
- Municipality site of 11th district of Tehran, http://region11.tehran.ir.
- Musschenga, A.W. (1997), The relation between concepts ofquality-of-life. J. Med. Philos, Vol. 22, No.1: 11–28.
- NORDHAUS, W. D. and TOBIN, J. (1972), is growth obsolete? In Economic Research: Retrospect and Prospect, vol. 5 Economic Growth, pp. 21-49. New York: Columbia University Press (for National Bureau of Economic Research).
- Oktay, D and Rustemla, A (2010), Measuring the quality of urban life and neighbourhood satisfaction: Findings from Gazimagusa (Famagusta) Area study international journal of social sciences and humanity studies Vol. 2, No. 2, ISSN: 1309-8063 Online
- Pacione, M (2003): Urban environmental quality and human wellbeing-a social geographical perspective, Landscape and Urban Planning, Social Indicators Reserch, 65:19–30.
- Pacione, M. (1982), The use of objective and subjective measures of quality of life in human geography. Prog. Hum. Geogr, Vol. 6 No. 4: 495–514.
- Parker, M. (2005), Loss in the lives of Southeast Asian Elders. In H. Lee Meadow, development in quality if life studies in marketing. Vol,1,blacksbourg Virginia. International socity for quality studies.
- Pasione, M. (2005), Urban Geography (Aglobal perspective), Second edition, New York, Routledge Puplisher.
- polinsky, A. M. and rubinfeld,, D. L. (1977), Property values and the benefits of environmental improvements: theory and measurement, in: L. WINGO and A. EVANS (Eds) Public Economic and the Quality of Life, pp. 154-180, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press (for Resources for the Future).
- Rahman & Mittelhamer & Wandschaneder (2003), Measuring the Quality of Life Across countries: A sensitivity Analysis of well-being indices, wider internasional conference on inequality, poverty and Human well-being, May 30-31, Helsinki, Finland.
- Raphael, D, Renwick, R., Brown, I, Rootman, I. (1996), Quality of life indicators and health: current status and emergingconceptions. Soc.Indicators Res. Vol. 39, No. 1: 65–88. Ruut Veenhoven, (1996), happy life expectancy a comprehensive measure of quality-of-life in nation, Published in Social Indicators Research, 1996, Vol. 39: 1-58.
- RIVM, (2002), In: Bouwman, A., van Kamp, I., van Poll, R. (Eds.), Workshopverslag Leefomgevingskwaliteit II. Verslag Workshop, 18 December 2001, in press.
- Robert W. Marans, (2012), Quality of Urban Life Studies: An Overview and Implications for Environment-Behaviour Research, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 35: 9–22.
- ROSEN, S, (1979), Wages-based indexes of urban quality of life, in: P. MIESZKOWSKI and M. STRASZHEIM (Eds) Current Issues in Urban Economics, pp. 74-104. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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- Senlier, Nihal, Yildiz, Reyhan, E. Dig˘dem Aktas, (2009), A Perception Survey for the Evaluation of Urban Quality of Life in Kocaeli and a Comparison of the Life Satisfaction with the European Cities, Soc Indic Res: 94:213–226
- Smith, T. Nelischer. M., Perkins, N. (1997), Quality of an urbancommunity: a framework for understanding the relationship between quality and physical form, Landscape and Urban Planning 39 (1997) 229-241,0169.2046/97/$17.00 0 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rightsreserved. PII SO169-2046(97)00055-8.
- Sufian, A.J.M. (1993), A multivariate analysis of the determinants of urban quality of life in the world’s largest metropolitan areas. Urban Studies, 30(8):1319-1329.
- Sun, Y. (2005), Development of Neighborhood Quality of Life Indicators. Community-University Institute for Social Research. University of Saskatchewan.
- Szalai, A. & Andrews, F.M. (1980), The Quality of Life: Comparative Studies. SAGE Studies in International Sociology. Sponsored by the International Sociological Association/ ISA.
- Ulengin, B. F., Ulengin, U. (2001), A Multidimensional Approach to Urban Quality of Life: The Case of Istanbul.
- Van Kamp I., Leidelmeijer K., Marsman G., deHollander A. (2003), Urban environmentalquality and human well-being towards aconceptual framework and demarcation ofconcepts: A literature study; J. Landscape andUrban Planning, Vol 65: 5-18.
- WHO, World Health Organization. (1999), WHOQOL: annotated bibliography (October 1999 version). Geneva: WH; 1999.
- Yung-Jaan Lee, (2008): Subjective quality of life measurement in Taipei, Building and Environment, 43: 1205–1215.
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