Responsibility in Conservation of Wetlands by Studying of Hoor-al Azim/Hoor-al-Howzeh | ||
مطالعات حقوق انرژی | ||
Article 3, Volume 3, Issue 2, October 2017, Pages 193-217 PDF (330.68 K) | ||
Document Type: ISI | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jrels.2018.243251.149 | ||
Authors | ||
Elham Aminzadeh* 1; Zahra Sadat Shareq2; Hossein Rezazadeh2 | ||
1Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran | ||
2Phd student, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran | ||
Abstract | ||
Conservation of environment as common heritage for the current and the next generation is the responsibility of States. Sovereignty of states on natural resource would be confined by another states’ interest. On the one hand, the existence of common border resource between Iran and other countries and on the other hand, shortage of water resources has led to conflicts. The life of common resource like Hoor-al-Azim/ Hoor-al-Howzeh depends on Karkheh and Tigris River. Building dams on rivers resulted in damages to ecosystem and wetland, which in turn means the responsibility of the Riparian States. Riparian States according to international environmental law are responsible to conserve the ecosystem and prevent Trans-boundary damage and cooperation in this area. In other words, common resource need cooperation between states. | ||
Keywords | ||
wetlad hoor al azim/ hoor al howzeh; international environmental law; common resource; responsibility of state | ||
References | ||
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