Designing Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (ESE) Development Model Based on Experiential Learning in Iranian Agricultural Higher Education System | ||
تحقیقات اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی ایران | ||
Article 5, Volume 49, Issue 1, February 2018, Pages 59-73 PDF (369.43 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/ijaedr.2018.66036 | ||
Authors | ||
Javad Ghasemi* 1; Seyed Mahmood Hosseini2; Yosef Hejazi2; hamid movahed mohammadi2 | ||
1PhD. Student, Agricultural Education, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran | ||
2Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran | ||
Abstract | ||
The purpose of this survey research was to design entrepreneurial self-efficacy development model based on experiential learning in Iranian Agricultural Higher Education System. The statistical population of the study consisted of 20518 graduate students of Iranian agricultural colleges out of which 380 students selected as sample, using Cochran formula and proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected by applying a questionnaire developed for the study and were analyzed using SPSSwin/v.19 and LISREL/v8.5. Validity of the questionnaire was approved by a panel of experts and construct validity using AVE Index. In order to measure the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach Alpha coefficient and composite reliability (CR) were calculated. The results showed that, in Iranian higher agricultural education system, teacher’s characteristics influences student’s practical and experiential skills and personal and interpersonal skills; student’s characteristics influences their technical skills related to career success and organizational factors influences student’s practical and experiential skills, technical skills related to career success, personal and interpersonal skill and analytical skills. Also, practical and experiential skills and technical skills related to career success influences entrepreneurial self-efficacy. | ||
Keywords | ||
"Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy"; "Experiential Learning"; "Higher Agricultural Education System" | ||
References | ||
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