PhD in Philosophy of Religion, Imam khomeini Foundation, Qom, Iran
The positivistic approach in the modern natural science regards experience as the unique way to the natural sciences. This approach has received general acceptance over the recent centuries so much so that the progress of the natural sciences was considered to be indebted to this approach. This view was challenged in the second half of the twentieth century and some philosophers and social scientists, by discussing the role of presuppositions, have tried to challenge the exclusivity of the method of natural sciences, at least in some stages. In this work, I have tried to extract, some epistemological assumptions of the modern natural sciences that influenced the selection of data and hypotheses, shaping scientific theories of the scientists and even their evaluations. Assumptions whose presence or absence, in the mental context of the scientists in the recent centuries, could have created a different path in the direction of these sciences, as revision in any of these assumptions could have had an impact on the developmental process of natural sciences.