Prioritization of Flood Inundation sub-watersheds of Maharlo Watershed in Fars Province Using Morphometric Parameters and VIKOR Decision Making Model | ||
مجله اکوهیدرولوژی | ||
Article 8, Volume 5, Issue 3, October 2018, Pages 813-827 PDF (1.01 M) | ||
Document Type: Research Article | ||
DOI: 10.22059/ije.2018.244246.763 | ||
Authors | ||
Mahdis Amiri1; Hamidreza Pourghasemi* ; Alireza Arabameri2 | ||
1M.Sc student in Shiraz University | ||
2PhD Student in Geomorphology, Tarbiat Modares University | ||
Abstract | ||
The current study aims to prioritize of spatial flooding of Maharlo Sub-watersheds using morphometric parameters and VIKOR decision model. So, to select 13 morphometric parameters including slope, drainage density, stream frequency, constant of channel maintenance, drainage texture rate, ruggedness number, circularity ratio, compactness coefficient, relief ratio, stream length, form factor, elongation ratio, and coefficient of shape, and 1 climatic parameter including rain have been used to determine the weight of the parameters of the AHP. The results showed that the morphometric parameters such as slope and drainage density, and the climatic parameter of the rain, with values of (0.206, 0.165 and 0.134) had the most weight and effect on flood event, while the least weight and consequently the least effect on the coefficient is related to shape (0.122) factor. Also, for prioritizing used from 53 sub-watersheds based on VIKOR decision model. The results showed that sub-watershed 34 based on prioritization of flood first ranked (0.082), The second sub- watershed 31 (0.110) and sub- watershed 12 third ranked (0.129) given specialty, which must have to be prioritized for management operations. While sub-watershed 42 has the last ranked (1) in prioritization of flood, which is indicate low sensitivity to flood events. | ||
Keywords | ||
Prioritization of flood; Morphometry parameters; Analysis Hierarchical Process; Vikor Model; Maharlo Watershed | ||
References | ||
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