This paper is aimed to future environmental study of Iran by exploring and validating the scenario in Isfahan by hybridization or hybridization. The analysis was carried out at two qualitative and quantitative levels. In the qualitative section, which is the grounded technique of the theory, the basis of the discovery of scenarios, using the experiences of environmental experts. The results of data analysis were presented based on the triple coding steps and in the open coding process, more than 245 propositions significant and 134 corresponding concepts were extracted, and in the next step, 72 subcategories of these corresponding concepts were extracted. In the subcategory, there are two types of categorization which relates to the scenarios of the Iranian-Islamic model of progress and the Western model of development, which includes 27 subcategories, and other hands on the future scenarios of environmental culture, which includes 45 subcategories. Finally, due to the conceptual relationship between the categories together in the pivotal coding stage, three categories of issues for future scenarios of environmental culture and eight core categories for development and development scenarios were developed in the form of a model. Then, the model of structural equation modeling algorithm was tested. Findings of the qualitative section of the research showed that, in terms of contributing to the research, optimistic, probable and pessimistic scenarios of the future of environmental culture based on the development of two patterns of Iranian Islamic model scenarios were the progress and western pattern of development. In the quantitative section, statistical results show that the effect of each of the scenarios of the Islamic Iranian model of development and scenarios of the western pattern of development has been significant on the future scenarios of environmental culture with coefficients 0.46 and 0.81. |
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