Evaluation of Biochemical traits in some Pistachio Rootstocks under salt stress to select tolerant Rootstocks | ||
به زراعی کشاورزی | ||
Article 7, Volume 21, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 323-336 PDF (1.52 M) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jci.2019.257752.2021 | ||
Authors | ||
Khiermohammad Mohammadi1; Ali Ebadi* 2; Mohammad Ali Askari Sarchishmeh3; Mohammad Reza fattahi Moghaddam2; Hossein Hokmabadi4 | ||
1Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, College of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran | ||
2Professor, Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, College of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran | ||
3Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, College of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran | ||
4Assistant Professor, Pistachio Research center, Agricultural Research Education and Extention Organization of Semnan Province, Dameghan center, (Iran). | ||
Abstract | ||
Plants employ antioxidant mechanism to face different stresses. In this research work the effect of salinity stress, caused by increasing sodium chloride, on the antioxidative system and some physiological characteristics of selected pistachio seedlings (Badami-Riz-e- Zarand, Qazvini, Sarakhs, Atlantica UCB1, and Hybrids of Pistacia. vera cv. Badami-Riz-e-Zarand × P. Integerrima, P. vera cv. Sharakhs× P. Integerrima, P. atlantica Desf. × P. Integerrima ) was studied. A greenhouse experiment was conducted as a factorial based on a completely randomized design with three replications in Cocopit and Perlite media. Treatments consisted of four salinity levels (0, 75, 150 and 225 mM NaCl) and above mentioned Root stocks. Using salt in nutrient solution was carried out in the second year of seedling growth for nine weeks. At the end of experiment, some physiological and biochemical traits of seedlings were measured. Results showed that, leaf area and total chlorophyll contents decreased in all treated plants. Under the salinity stress, a higher reduction in the observed traits was noticed in the Atlantica rootstock while less effect on the Badami-Riz-e-Zarand was noticed. Also, it has been found that by increasing salinity levels the levels of proline, total phenol content and antioxidant enzymes activity were higher in Badami-Riz-e-Zarand × P. Integerrima, Badami-Riz-Zarand and Qazvini compared to others. It seems that Hybrid of Badami-Riz-e-Zarand × P. Integerrima, Badami-Riz-Zarand and Qazvini rootstocks had more ability to sustain leaf water and proteins and therefore, were more resistant to salinity stress. | ||
Keywords | ||
Atlantic; Enzymatic activity; Leaf area; proline; Root stock; Salt tolerance | ||
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