The Legislative Criminal Policies of Iran on Terrorism against Energy | ||
مطالعات حقوق انرژی | ||
Article 4, Volume 4, Issue 2, May 2019, Pages 321-347 PDF (272.24 K) | ||
Document Type: ISI | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jrels.2019.253355.189 | ||
Authors | ||
Mohammad Asadi Jonoushi1; Akbar Varvaei* 2 | ||
1Ph.D. Student of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah | ||
2Professor of Low & Political Sciences Faculty of Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran | ||
Abstract | ||
Crimes against energy, in addition to the destruction of infrastructure, are a serious threat against national security. Oil, gas and electricity are among the most important energy and functioning of population activities. With this degree of importance, oil, gas and electricity infrastructure is highly appealing to terrorists and these sources are targets of terrorism operations. In order to prevent the fear of disruptions to energy infrastructure, those facilities must be protected through legislating suitable criminal policies. In this regard, the question of this research is whether terrorism against energy has any place in the Iranian legislative criminal policies. For this reason, analysis and evaluation of legislative criminal policy in confronting terrorism against energy is studied. Analyzing the existing legal articles in this area reveals the legislator’s protection of energy in some of the legal articles has been trivial while in some other articles, this offence has been recognized as an act of the terror with the punishment the same as that of a Mohareb. | ||
Keywords | ||
terrorism; Sabotage; Energy; Oil; Gas; electricity | ||
References | ||
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