“I and the Other” in the book This Street Has No Rumble Strip | ||
جامعه شناسی هنر و ادبیات | ||
Article 1, Volume 11, Issue 1 - Serial Number 21, September 2019, Pages 1-22 PDF (442.06 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jsal.2019.274589.665705 | ||
Author | ||
Nader Amiri* | ||
Assistant Professor of Sociology Department of Razi University | ||
Abstract | ||
“I and the Other” in the book This Street Has No Rumble Strip Abstract This Street Has No Rumble Strip is a novel which plot is based on the concerns and efforts of a woman in order to gain and maintain her personal independence. As we can guess, these efforts and struggles are posed as opposite to the other which is “man” or “masculine environment”. In this article (that based on the text analytical, I suggest two points based on the theoretical concepts and the analytic method adopted from the Bakhtinian view: (1) There are three others in three spaces instead of one in this novel, and (2) Despite the fluent charming prose of the novel and its wide reception from the public, the relationship or encounter with the multilayer others is deficient and non-dialogical. The latter problem is not only due to the non-dialogical elements in the specific relationship with the “other” but is a result of the descriptions and the linguistic failures which prevents the novel’s structure from being a novelistic structure and makes it far from the dialogical perspective of the sociology of consciousness (in the narrative world as the social world). Keywords: The Other, Interpellation, Heteroglossia, Polyphony, Exotopic | ||
Keywords | ||
"The Other"; "Interpellation"; "Heteroglossia"; " Polyphony"; " Exotopic" | ||
References | ||
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