Stability Level in the Informal Settlements of the Ardabil City by the Sustainability Barometer Model | ||
پژوهشهای جغرافیای برنامهریزی شهری | ||
Article 10, Volume 7, Issue 3, October 2019, Pages 601-628 PDF (1.17 M) | ||
Document Type: Research article | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jurbangeo.2019.279707.1088 | ||
Authors | ||
Mohmmad Hassan Yazdani* 1; Zhila Farzaneh Sadat Zarangi2; Arastoo Yariihesar1 | ||
1Associate Professor of Geography & Rural Planning, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil, Iran | ||
2MA in Geography and Urban Planning,University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran | ||
Abstract | ||
Introduction The most important reflection of contemporary urbanization is the emergence and development of vulnerable neighborhoods (informal settlements), in urban center or around the cities. These settlements can be seen as forgotten and unplanned and unplanned settlement than any other urban settlement that is considered stable in terms of sustainability. To evaluate the stability of the four dimensions of sustainability (social - cultural, economic, environmental and physical) dimensions is systematic. Therefore, the purpose of this study is analysis and classification of the stability status of the informal settlements of the ardabil city and their prioritization of future planning. Methodology The present study is a descriptive - analytical research and applicable in terms of purpose. The necessary data is collected according to the nature of the problem and the purpose of the research in the form of field studies and library - documents. To assess the stability of the localities, four dimensions (social - cultural, economic, environmental and physical) were selected. The population of research constitutes the citizens of informal settlements (15 neighborhoods) of the Ardabil city. All data processing steps were performed with software (Excel, SPSS) and finally, we measured and evaluated the unreliability of the informal settlements in Ardebil using a barometric model. ArcGIS software was used to show the level of stability of target locations on the map. Results and discussion The present study is one side with the results of research findings of researchers such as Blen (2006) that the barometer is the best instrument for measurement of sustainability. Therefore, the results of the research about stability show that the criterion for measuring the stability of the four dimensions is stability. Among the different models used to measure the stability situation, the stability Barometer model can also reflect a better reality of the existing state of mining by providing the possibility of measuring the gap between human well-being and ecosystem welfare. Conclusion According to the results of the implementation of the model, the Salman abad neighborhood (0/501) has a moderate stability and then KazemAbad locality (0.344), Islamabad (300 / 300) in the state of potential instability and other localities have been in unstable state. Overall, the target neighborhoods are at a very low level in terms of the overall average ecosystem welfare (0.231) and human wellbeing (0.249). Therefore, development plans are essential to the strengths and weaknesses of each neighborhood and based on the stability levels. | ||
Keywords | ||
stability measurement; stability barometer; instability level; informal settlements; Ardebil | ||
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