The possibility of marrying non-Muslim women has been a controversial issue throughout Islamic history. It is claimed that there is consensus among the Shi'ah and Sunni scholars over some aspects of it such as the prohibition of marrying non-Muslim infidels with no Book. Considering the increasing communication with modern societies, especially with East Asian countries, which are typically considered as the people of no book and the need to pay attention to lawful sexual needs, it is necessary to re-examine this type of marriage. Therefore, by analyzing the arguments for the sanctity of such a marriage, including the evidence of consensus on unlawfulness, and the lack of sanctity of marriage with an infidel woman of no scripture based on other evidences such as the Holy Quran and Islamic traditions, as well as the existence of evidences such as isalat al-hilliyyah in marriage and the possibility of infidelity of Zoroastrians and the permission of marriage with them, as the people of no book, in the view of some jurists is not far from expediency that there is the possibility of such a marriage even temporarily in Imamiyyah jurisprudence. On the other hand, according to the principles of some jurisprudential religions based on the authenticity of the valid expediencies, due to the lack of evidence for unlawfulness of marriage with infidel women, as well as the existence of expediencies such as the need of fulfilling the lawful sexual desires of Muslim men in countries whose people are infidels of no Book, it is not unlikely that they will be allowed to marry infidel women. |
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