The study seeks to investigate the legal ruling of driving roofed vehicles in Mecca or crossing over the tunnels during the day by men in the state of ihram (muhrim). The results of this research, obtained through library resources and software, show that the mentioned ruling depends on the criterion inferred by the jurist. It means that if the criterion of the jurist is the prohibition of using shadow by the muhrim during his travel, moving by a roofed car and crossing the tunnel permitted in Mecca. But, if the criterion of the jurist is the prohibition of using shadow when moving through any kinds of vehicles or using animals it is not permitted. Of course, he can cross the tunnels on foot. It seems that according to the indications in Islamic traditions it can be said that the criterion of sanctity is only creating a shadow by the muhrim on himself during the day and his stopping or moving has no effect in this ruling. Therefore, using the existed shadows or entering the house, tent, tunnel and the like is permitted for the man in the state of ihram, since he does not make a shadow on himself. According to this criterion, men in the state of ihram are not allowed to travel by roofed car in Mecca during the day, because it is an instance of shadowing. |
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