Reviewing the Effects of Lithographic Ashura Paintings of Judi Collection on the Tilework of Tekyeh Moaven al-Molk | ||
پژوهشهای علوم تاریخی | ||
Article 7, Volume 13, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 147-173 PDF (4.44 M) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jhss.2021.325817.473432 | ||
Authors | ||
fatemeh asgari1; Mahnaz Shayestefar* 2 | ||
1::PhD student of Islamic Art, the School of Art and Architecture, Tehran Tarbiat Modares University | ||
2Faculty Member of the Faculty of Art of Tarbiat Modarres University | ||
Abstract | ||
The lithographic religious books as one of the most prevalent books in the Qajar period, are closely related to the public culture and also influenced other artworks. In this regard, the present study aims to review the impacts of Ashura paintings of one of the most effective lithographic books (i.e., Judi collection) on the tilework of Tekyeh Moaven al-Molk. Methodology: This analytical-descriptive study utilizes a documentary-library method involving the study of lithographic manuscripts available in the National Library of I.R.Iran along with the tilework of Tekyeh Moaven al-Molk with the theme of Ashura. Conclusion: Ashura paintings on the Tekyeh Moaven al-Molk tiles have been inspired by lithographic images found in such books as Toofan Al-Beka’, Asrar Al-Shahada, Majalis Al-Muttaghin, and Judy Collection. This inspiration is seen more in Judi Collection than in other lithographic books. This inspiration is evident not only in the subject matter but also in the design styles. The similarities include the same elements in the selection of scenes and figures, religious and historical narrations, visual presentations, layout, and lines of shapes and interior surfaces. The background is more important in tilework and the presence of women is remarkable in the paintings of the building’s tiles. Indeed, the quantity of women in the paintings of the Judi collection is more than in other manuscripts. The concepts of resistance, the superiority of good over evil, and the companions of uwliya (saint figures) are significant in these works. | ||
Keywords | ||
Judi Collection; Painted tiles; Illustrated lithography; Ashura; Tekyeh Moaven al-Molk | ||
References | ||
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