The study of recidivism indicator is very important especially for the effectiveness evaluation of the criminal justice system, as well as the policies and programs that are used to prevent or manage the risk of recidivism based on penological and criminological findings. In this regard, this research is conducted with the aim of identifying the available studies and documents regarding the conceptual and operational indicator of recidivism in the advanced criminal statistics systems. In this research, in the theoretical study, a library method and in the field study, a content analysis method through designing of reverse questionnaire, are used. The sample population, including 31 sources related to the recidivism index, among the 41 collected and studied sources, is selected. The findings of the research, like other studies in the world, show that in the United States of America and Australia, as well as in some countries in Europe, the data related to the index of recidivism and returning to prison are regularly and systemically collected in such a way that, with considering of localization component, can be very good model for the determination of conceptual and operational index in Iran on one hand, and can be used for the harmonization at the international level, on the other hand. |
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