The general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran are ambiguous at both theoretical and practical levels. On the one hand, there is no clear definition of these policies, on the other hand, there is no unity of procedure in their formulation, implementation, evaluation and monitoring. This research aims to analysis the existing situation and present a model for formulation the general policies of the system. The data of this research is a combination of documentary data and interviews with the secretaries of the commissions of the Expediency Discernment Council, which are analyzed under the Grounded theory, The results have been presented in the pattern with three-stage: "Compilation, Explanation and supervision" of the general policies. In this model, the role of macro policies as connecting ideals to actions, timely and reality-based policy making, the necessity of effective cooperation with executive organizations, and the importance of monitoring policies as a complement to the policy cycle have been taken into consideration. |
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