A Study of the Effect of Sports Brand Advertising on Customers' Electroencephalographic Changes in Neuromarketing | ||
نشریه مدیریت ورزشی | ||
Article 5, Volume 8, Issue 3, November 2016, Pages 389-405 PDF (148.98 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/jsm.2016.59306 | ||
Authors | ||
houriyeh dehghanpouri* 1; fatemeh abdavi2; mahta eskandarnegad3 | ||
1PhD student in Sport Management, University of Urmia | ||
2Assistant Professor and faculty member of Tabriz University, Physical Education Faculty Tabriz, Iran | ||
3c Assistant Professor and faculty member of Tabriz University, Physical Education Faculty Tabriz, Iran | ||
Abstract | ||
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sports brand (Adidas) advertising on electroencephalographic changes of customers in neuromarketing. In this applied and quasi-experimental study, the statistical population consisted of 40 students of University of Tabriz including athletes and non-athletes who were interested / not interested in the Adidas brand, all right-handed, age range 20-35, with no record of disease / surgery in their head and skull. ProComp 2 was used to collect data. The general model of the study consisted of 4 main steps: to select subjects; to observe and record the brainwave activity of subjects before watching the ad; to record their brainwave activity while watching the ads; to record their brainwave activity after watching the ad. Data were turned to quantitative data using the BioGraph Infiniti software and 16spss. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with repeated measures and the approach of Wilks Lambda. Results showed a difference in mean frequency activity of delta, theta, alpha and beta in all four groups before, during and after watching the ads. So, the chance of reaching ad goals in sport section can be facilitated in the country by creating a better and comprehensive understanding of consumers and developing a knowledge base in this area. | ||
Keywords | ||
Advertising; Brand; customers; electroencephalographic; neuromarketing | ||
References | ||
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