Iinvestigating Factors affecting Agricultural Experts’ Intention toward the extension of Biofuels for rural development in Khuzestan province | ||
تحقیقات اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی ایران | ||
Article 7, Volume 49, Issue 1, February 2018, Pages 94-104 PDF (471.56 K) | ||
Document Type: Research Paper | ||
DOI: 10.22059/ijaedr.2018.66049 | ||
Authors | ||
Ziba Bakhtiari1; Masoud Yazdanpanah* 2; Masoumeh Forouzani3; Navab Kazemi4 | ||
1MSc. Student, Department of Rural Development, Agricultural University and Natural Resources , University of Khozestan | ||
2Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan | ||
3MSc. Student, Agricultural University and Natural Resources , University of Khozestan | ||
4Assistant Professor, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan | ||
Abstract | ||
Biofuel energy has various benefits for rural area particularly in developing countries. As education and communication could be an important catalyst for biofuel adoption, the role of agricultural professionals and experts is very important in this regard. Since agriculture professionals and experts are an important source of information for farmers regarding adoption and innovation. They can facilitate the adoption of innovations or they can limit their diffusion. The aim of this study is to provide much needed empirical data about the perceptions of Iranian agricultural professionals in Khuzestan province toward biofuels. It will provide a knowledge base for the development of public policy measures that aim ultimately to increase biofuel adoption among Iranian farmers. Sample of the research was selected based on quota stratified random sampling (n= 288). Findings revealed that, attitude and moral norm directly influenced intention toward extension and development of biofuel. While perceived benefits and perception of innovation indirectly influenced it. The results also showed that, perceived benefits, perception of innovation, fairness, attitude and moral norms variables in a total of explain 37% of experts’ intention toward extension and development of biofuel. | ||
Keywords | ||
"biofuel"; “rural development”; "knowledge of experts"; “attitude” | ||
References | ||
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