There are two types of questions in legal studies: questions that pertain to the rules of law, and questions that concern its relevant subjects. Accordingly, there are two types of reasoning that are used for finding answers to these different types of questions: legal reasoning and judicial reasoning. The question concerns the logic of reasoning in law in each of the following three stages: proving the imputability of facts to the defendant; identification and legal description of the facts; and discovering the stance and rules of law of the legislator in view of the case in point. The present study attempts to explicate the structure and proses of the logic of law. The present study draws upon a descriptive and analytical (rational and reasonable) methodology that will be applied according to the nature of the topic under study. Based on the findings of the present work, the logic of legal and judicial reasoning has a combinatory nature. Although it appears to follow the Aristotelian formal logic, in researching the content of the premises of reasoning and proving imputability of subjects to individuals, the logic of reasoning, according to the nature of the subjects as well as the research sources, benefits from a hermeneutical method, rational and reasonable analysis, deductive reasoning, and literary and linguistic rules. |
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